Anita Cvetić Orešćanin

Board Member Poslovna inteligencija, director of BIRD Consulting GmbH


Anita Cvetić Oreščanin is one of the three co-founders of Poslovna inteligencija, an IT consulting company focused on data, analytics, big data and artificial intelligence. Poslovna inteligencija is the only IT consulting company in wider region that has an equal number of women and men at all levels of management and other work positions. Anita is currently a member of the board of Poslovna inteligencija and the director of BIRD Consulting GmbH (subsidiary of Poslovna inteligencija in Austria). As a member of the board, she is responsible for the areas of Finance, Human Resources, Internal IT and Marketing. She is also active in the association
of the Croatian Independent Software Exporters, where she was a member of the supervisory board for one mandate, and a member of the board of directors for two mandates. In 2019, Anita participated in the premier professional exchange program organized by the U.S. Department of State – International Visitor Leadership Program: HiddenNoMore: Empowering Women Leaders in STEM. Anita, together with the other two co-founders of Poslovna inteligencija, Dražen Oreščanin and Lidija Karaga, was a finalist for EY Entrepreneur of the Year in 2019 and is a participant of the EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women program. Anita is involved in various activities to support women’s entrepreneurship, and especially to support the professional and leadership careers of women in the IT industry. During her career, she participated in numerous professional educations in the fields of marketing, finance and neurolinguistics programming, and is also a certified ISO 37301 Lead Implementer.